Have you ever driven somewhere, usually a route you take regularly, arrived at the the destination and thought ‘I don’t remember driving here?’, or have you ever read a page of a book and had to read it again because your mind was somewhere else? Or perhaps you simply find yourself daydreaming? If so, then you have already experienced a form of hypnosis or what is known as a trance state.
A trance state is a very natural state of mind, as we have mentioned, most of us experience it during our everyday lives. However, during a hypnotherapy session, this trance state is induced by the therapist, by creating a focused state of concentration.
This is done to allow a split in the conscious and unconscious mind. The conscious
A trance state is a very natural state of mind, as we have mentioned, most of us experience it during our everyday lives. However, during a hypnotherapy session, this trance state is induced by the therapist, by creating a focused state of concentration.
This is done to allow a split in the conscious and unconscious mind. The conscious mind is the part that is responsible for all the things that we are explicitly aware of at this moment, like reading this page. Whereas, the unconscious mind refers to the processes that take place outside of the awareness. The unconscious mind is where we store all or memories and experiences from the very second of birth to right now. These memories and experiences can then influence the way that we feel and behave, even if we don’t realise it.
During a hypnosis session and trance state, the therapist can work directly with your unconscious mind. At this time, in the safety of the session, your unconscious mind will be open to suggestions. Hence we are able to engage and adapt any maladaptive behaviours and feelings that are not working for you, and change them for ones that are more acceptable for you and in line with your goals.